Library Policies
Library Hours and Circulation Policies
Verner Elementary School Library Circulation Procedures The Verner Elementary School Library is open every school day from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Students may come to the library at any time to return or check out books if they have permission from their teacher. PreK, Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade classes meet weekly with Mrs. Garrett for story times and library skills lessons. Third, fourth and fifth grade classes meet with Mrs. Garrett as needed and when requested. Students in grades K-5 are allowed to check out books. The number of books a student can have checked out at one time are: Kindergarten 1 First Grade 1 Second Grade 2 Third Grade 3 Fourth Grade 4 Fifth Grade 5 Parents who wish for their students to have additional books checked out may set up a parent account with Mrs. Garrett. Parents may check out up to five books at a time. Books are due two weeks from the date of check out. Students who have overdue books will not be allowed to check out additional books until the overdue books are returned. Students must pay for lost or damaged books before they are allowed to check out any more books. The cost to replace a hardback book is $15, and the cost to replace a paperback book is $5. |